Middleton Railway is run entirely by our teams of volunteers.

Yes – you read that correctly.. no one who operates any aspect of the railway is paid.  Everyone volunteers their time, skills and experience for the good of the railway and it’s aims.

Almost everything we do is funded by our visitors, either through riding with us when we are running, or through their generous donations.

On an average running day, we use approximately £20 of diesel, or approximately £350 of coal. Then there are the costs of oils to lubricate the moving parts.

The tracks, engines, and buildings all need maintenance to keep them in good order for our guests, and for safety.


You can help:

– by donating your time by becoming a volunteer

– by becoming a member

– by making a donation to us

all of which can help towards keeping the Railway alive, and showing Leeds and it’s history in the story of railways.

To donate to us via PayPal, please scan or click on the QR code below.

QR Code to donate to Middleton Railway